Chlorella can offer so much more than just a "superfood"

One of the most researched microalgae, Chlorella was discovered with the emergence of microscopes. It had been cultivated in large amounts during World War I as a protein source to supply to soldiers. Then, NASA provided it to astronauts as space food in maintaining their diet. It is a widely used and approved supplements used in Japan. 


Chlorella benefits

Most of the Chlorella strains are 3- 8 micrometers in size and are capable of growing in various environments.  One of its key component, Chlorella growth factor (CGF) allowed for fast growth and multiplication. Depending on the cultivation techniques, Chlorella can contain high amounts of proteins (43-71% of dry matter), good lipids, nucleic acid, amino acids, peptide and essential vitamins (A, B groups, C and E) as well as minerals (Iron, Ca, Mg, Zn, K).  

Major protein source

As a continuous global trend to increasing consumption to dietary animal protein, the environmental impacts and imminent food shortage should pose questions and re-think about how animal protein consumption is unsustainable. Chlorella provides a vegan source of protein, gluten- and allergens-free. Its protein content can exceed as much as 60% dry matter compared to meat (43%), soybeans (37%), milk (26%) and rice (8%). It provides a reliable source of protein with no antibiotics and growth hormones which are commonly found in farming practices. Its protein components can easily be extracted and introduced in human or animal diet. Rising consciousness on food quality pushes consumers on seeking for health food diet devoid of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. 



Sustainable food source

In addition, Chlorella supply offer a more sustainable food system with minimal land use, recycled water used and reduced pollution. More proteins are produced by hectare of land. Our greenhouse cultivation technique ensures exceedingly fast growth with sophisticated harvesting and processing tools in providing consistent high quality products. 

In Japan, Chlorella is no longer a superfood but rather a common food product known by the general population from old to nursing babies.  It has made its way in consumer products with added nutritional values. 

In the past few years, Lumenalgae has been committed to develop Chlorella-based sustainable shrimp farming using recycled water and low energy waste management. High volume of liquid Chlorella is introduced to the pools to ensure healthy growth of shrimps.