


Most ancient form of life on Earth. Exist as microscopic unicellular cells found in aquatic habitats

Microscopic living organisms on its way to feeding to world

The term "algae" designates all aquatic living organisms capable of photosynthesis comprising both microscopic single-cellular as well as large multi-cellular forms.  

For the last two decades, microalgae have been the subject of interest of biofuel applications encouraged by the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, the consequent increase in oil prices and environmental consequences such as global warming. The interesting point with these microalgae is that not only significant quantities of lipids can be extracted from its biomass, other valuable macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, pigments, vitamins and minerals were also found in substantial amounts. Oftentimes, their potential applications in the agricultural and food industry are regrettably overlooked.

 With the reality of population growth, extended life expectancy and increasing natural disaster incidents, anticipated challenges in dealing with sustainability in food systems will become undeniably serious in the near future. FAO states that "food production needs to increase by 70% in order to meet the world population demand in 2050". Ironically, this does neither justify nor encourage further land exploitation for agricultural purposes.  On the contrary, overexploitation of natural resources such as land and water is already a problem which leaves barren soil and increasingly carbon footprint. In light of this, other alternative food sources which has demonstrated ability for sustainability such in the case of microalgae must be envisaged and rendered widely accessible to the public.

Our team of experts have developed and streamlined microalgal cultivation and harvest processes for large scale production. Innovative products targeted for various applications such as waste water treatment, phytoremediation in aquaculture, food and animal feed are under development and will soon make their way to the consumer markets. Our focus is to introduce microalgae-based products to our every day life for a more sustainable future.